Positive Contagion

Human beings aspire to participate in a project that's bigger than themselves. And naturally, to succeed, they need to cooperate.

It's in this visceral need for cooperation that positive contagion can find its source, transforming itself into a dynamic, virtuous spiral. And it's the leader who holds the key. Or not. Understanding that listening is more important than solving, facilitating more than giving orders, enabling and reassuring more than imposing, means allowing the organization to gradually enter this virtuous spiral. It's about helping it to grow by enabling each of its members to achieve their full potential with joy.

Visit benefits are

A more cooperative and enthusiastic team.

More explicit adherence, rather than passive obedience.

More accountability for less top-down control.

A significant shift from a place of work to a place of fulfillment.

Reduced stress levels and risk of burn-out.

An increase in overall team performance.

Leader of Positive Contagion

What contagion
am I the vector?

A positive contagion leader remains aware at all times of his contagion power within his team and/or the organization he leads.

He leads by example, no longer trying to find solutions on his own. His role is to inscribe his entire organization in this dynamic, virtuous spiral of joyful cooperation, openness and empowerment.

In this way, everyone becomes aware of their influence on the team, and can answer the question: what contagion am I the vector of?

My role

My role is to help leaders grow by providing them with the keys to enable them to change paradigms without endangering themselves, their team or their organization.

Co-founder of Manymore, I've been spreading the virus of positive contagion in Europe for over ten years, helping leaders and teams who dare to reinvent their future by bringing joy, openness and empowerment into their relationships.

My name is Patrick StichelmansI've been a certified coach for over ten years. After working in the corporate world for 20 years, with successes and failures, and ending up as CEO of a listed advertising agency, I coach managers in Belgium, France, Germany and England. My aim is to help people grow with joy.


The whole coaching process was a real source of enrichment for me. I think I've become a finer manager, inclined to make more appropriate, more mature decisions.

Olivier B.
Executive Director Head of Client Reporting & Performance - Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA

Take the plunge


Whether you're looking for an individual session, a team or a complete organization, we'll get you there together.


Imagine a training course that gives you the keys to positive contagion leadership, so you can become the person who gets your team into a positive spiral!


Inter/intra-company conference: "Become the leader of your dreams." Discover the keys to the new paradigm of positive contagion leadership.

"Imagine a spiral that pulls everyone upwards, promotes fulfillment and productivity, and reveals everyone's leadership potential. A way of working in which everyone has something to gain. Achieving this ideal follows a process of change developed and managed by Manymore, the Positive Contagion Spiral©. Our experience has shown us that everyone can make a difference, and that and that mankind has a visceral need for Meaning and Cooperation. Our mission is to make every employee a champion in the service of all, and to bring more humanitý and joy into your organization. Everyone will be able to fulfill their potential by giving meaning to their work. All this to facilitate and guarantee a growing and perennial performance of your organization."