
My customers speak for me!

Sur 5

Whether it was accompanying twenty or so groups in a brainstorm on the company's vision and values, or guiding leadership team seminars, your straightforwardness and your way of constantly returning to the human side of the business helped us a great deal, not least by forcing open-mindedness through an approach very different from the one the company experiences on a day-to-day basis.

Patrick Blocry | Member of the Management Committee

Having to manage a team of around twenty people, it was important for me to get help with this challenge. Aware of what was at stake, Patrick provided me with the tools and skills I needed to make this radical change of perspective, and gave me the self-confidence I needed to quickly build a dynamic team around me. 

Damien Waselle | Director - [PIAS] Belgium

Patrick rapidly helps the coachee to broaden its influence leveraging powerful but simple methodology, role plays and positive self questioning. A must for those seeking to grow their soft skills or get rid of some negative habits.

Ludwig Camusot | CEO & Co-founder at Camel-IDS NV

"Bij de implementatie van een belangrijke change traject en vertrekkend van een zeer rigide, hiëarchische organisatie, is Patrick erin geslaagd om mijn team aan te zetten tot een betere onderlinge samenwerking; een team dat bereid is om co-verantwoordelijkheid op te nemen. Met zijn menselijke aanpak is Patrick in staat om de noden binnen het team snel te identificeren en zo te faciliteren dat iedereen de 'positieve besmetting' wil beleven. Onze team performance is spectaculair gegroeid. Hierdoor kijk ik als directeur positief naar de toekomst omdat ik weet dat ik op een fantastisch team kan steunen."

Dr. Pharm. Sophie Sarre | Director DGO-SCM

My coaching process took place during the turbulent period of a merger that led me to increase the size of my teams. The whole coaching process was a real source of enrichment for me. I think I've become a finer manager, inclined to make more appropriate, more mature decisions.

Olivier Bomboire | Executive Director Head of Client Reporting & Performance Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA

I just wanted to tell you that since our coaching sessions we've made tremendous progress, thanks not only to your input but also to your constructive and empowering attitude. Your objective, outside view is a tremendous asset in developing cooperation within the company.

Laurent Didailler | General Manager [PIAS] France

Patrick is an excellent coach and heeft me geleerd eender welke uitdaging op een objectieve, praktische en werkbare manier aan te gaan. Niet allen op ad-hoc basis, maar ook vanuit een lange termijn perspectief. Patrick heeft mij concreet geholpen een betere manager te worden door enerzijds mijn eigen sterktes en zwaktes beter te begrijpen en anderzijds door hoe ik mijn kwaliteiten best kon gebruiken. Hij kent niet alleen de theorieën, maar kan ze ook op een heldere, begrijpbare en zeer tastbare manier uitleggen - persoonlijk vind ik dat zéér sterk! Patrick luistert goed en hij slaagt er steeds in de terugkoppeling 'kort en krachtig " te formuleren en altijd met respect voor de mens (ook de moeilijke boodschappen). Ik kan dus Patrick warm aanbevelen en kijk er alvast naar uit om hem te blijven samenwerken in de toekomst "

Frank Jahn | Algemeen director

I've always been skeptical about coaching, but I have to admit that your methods and enthusiasm have changed my mind. Our sessions have enabled me to redefine interpersonal communication in a professional context more clearly.

Jean Luc | Promotion Manager France

At first, I was a little afraid or apprehensive about how the session would go. Indeed, I was a little worried about being "laid bare". With your help and guidance, this day was symbolized by trust and understanding between collaborators. I was very surprised to learn what others thought of me and the company. It enabled us to put our finger on the difficulties, but also our known strengths, which had been somewhat buried by the weight of everyday life. All in all, the future looks bright thanks to this new understanding of each other. I don't understand why we didn't do it sooner, and how it's a real asset in an active company with great ambitions. We really thank you for this journey.

Thierry Heynderickx | Associate Director DTAX

I was at a crucial point in my company's development.It was difficult for me to make the right choices. Patrick helped me to put my thinking back into a more human context, taking into account my values, the meaning I wanted to give to these decisions... After a few sessions, I was able to give real meaning to the decisions I had to make. Then, with his help, I shared this vision with the members of the company, who fully embraced the new project. We're currently in the change phase, and I already know that Patrick will be a great help to me."

Riccardo Natale | General Manager